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TRANSCRIPT: Verse By Verse Study (Genesis 2:1 to 2:22): Zac Poonen

Read the full transcript of Bible teacher Zac Poonen’s Verse By Verse Study on Genesis 2:1 to 2:22

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The Image of God and Man’s Creation

We’ll turn now to Genesis chapter 1, which we were considering in the last two studies. We considered, towards the end of our last study, how God made man in His own image on the same day as the animals, and it is only that fact that he was made in God’s image which separated him from the animals. And unless we keep that before us, it’s very easy to descend to the level of the animal. We considered that.

We saw that God blessed them—verse 28—commanded them to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, rule over it, and over all the fish of the sea, etc. We also saw that God gave man only vegetables and fruit to eat—verse 29 and 30—for all human beings, for man and woman, and also for all animals. God had given only vegetables and fruit to eat. Then it says God saw all that He made, and behold, it was very good.

Daily Examination and God’s Pattern

We saw that, that at the end of every day, God inspected the work that He did, and examined it and saw it was good, and then at the end, when He has created man and woman, He says it’s very good. Just like we said in the beginning of this chapter, “in the beginning, God”—that’s the way it should begin in our lives in every area, that in every aspect of our life, in the first place, in the beginning, should be God—likewise, there’s something else we can learn from this chapter, and that is to do what God did at the end of every day.