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(Through The Bible) – Numbers: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Zac Poonen’s teaching on the Book of Numbers which is part of the popular series called Through The Bible.

Listen to the audio version here:


Zac Poonen – Bible Teacher

Well, we’re going to turn today to the Book of Numbers. This is the fourth of the books that Moses wrote, and this deals with Israel’s wanderings and Israel’s wars in the wilderness. And there are a number of important chapters… as you’ve probably been noticing; we can’t go into every chapter in a brief study like we are having, where we mostly take just one session to cover a book.

So what I want to share with you is the important chapters and I hope that it whets your appetite to study the Scriptures more deeply and intensely on your own.

Now this book is called NUMBERS because the people of Israel were numbered twice. Moses took a census of the Israelites, for it says in Numbers 1:3: “from twenty years old and upwards – all those who were able to go out to war.”

They took a census according to the families once at the beginning of their wanderings. And then later on towards the end of their wanderings as well, that you read in chapter 26.

NUMBERS 2: discipline and orderliness

And in chapter 2 you have the arrangement in which the camps of Israel were to be placed. God is a God of order, and one of the things you learned from this is: the discipline and orderliness which God taught His people. Remember they were a bunch of totally undisciplined slaves in Egypt, and God… when He led them out not only redeemed them, not only baptized them in the Red Sea, and baptized them in the cloud, but began to teach them order, cleanliness, laws of hygiene.

Now these are important lessons for us, because there are lots of Christians who say, ‘well I’m saved, I’m born-again by the blood of the Lamb,’ but they are not clean; they don’t have any sense of hygiene or cleanliness in their lives or in their home.