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(Through The Bible) – Exodus – Part 1: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Zac Poonen’s teaching on the Book of Exodus (Part 1) which is part of the popular series called Through The Bible.

Listen to the audio version here:


Zac Poonen – Bible Teacher

We are going to begin now. Let’s turn to Exodus in chapter 1.

If Genesis, we could say, is the book of beginnings, we could title Exodus as a nation is born. The birth of the Israeli nation as a nation, the beginnings we saw in Genesis, and now we find them becoming a full-fledged nation.

And in the first 15 chapters, we read of their slavery in Egypt and their deliverance, or we could call it Redemption from Egypt. And the rest of the chapter deals with their time in the wilderness and God’s giving them His plan for building the tabernacle. So let’s look at this.

In the beginning, we read of how Pharaoh was disturbed, the Israelites even though they were slaves, they were becoming more numerous and more powerful numerically, and he was afraid that these men would finally stop working for him and overthrow his government. So he decided on a scheme to kill all the male children. Now that was a scheme of the devil.

Now what did he see in our last studies? Not just that God protects us from the devil schemes, but God does something better: He uses the devil’s plan to fulfill His purpose. That shows His Almightiness a much greater way. I mean God could show His Almightiness to us by protecting us from the devil, that itself would be great.

But He shows it in a greater way by turning the tables on Satan using the very thing that Satan does to destroy him. And the greatest example of this is Calvary where Satan got everybody geared up and engineered opposition to Jesus, got Him crucified.