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(Through The Bible) – Book Of Job (Part 2): Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Zac Poonen’s teaching on ‘Book of Job (Part 2)’ which is part of the popular series called Through The Bible.

Listen to the audio version here:


Zac Poonen – Bible Teacher

Somebody asked me once: which translation of the Bible I use.

Now, there are many good translations. The one I use — when I started studying the Scriptures 40 years ago, I used the King James Version, which is almost the only one available those days. Today I use the New American Standard Bible and The Living Bible, or which is more modern now called the New Living Translation. That’s just for your information.

Let’s turn to the book of Job and we’ll go now to CHAPTER 3.

See, the reason why I’m spending a little more time on Job than on some of the other books is because of the very reason which I mentioned in the last session, that I personally believe that this is the first inspired writing in Scripture. I do not believe that all these details could ever have been written hundreds of years after Job died.

And therefore, if this is the first inspired book of Scripture, and there’s a lot of teaching here which is very, very relevant for us, and it deals with the individual. It doesn’t deal with a nation like most of the Old Testament dealt with. It deals with God and one man, God and you. So in that way the book of Job is a great encouragement and many of the things that we face and suffer from Satan and from other believers Job faced, because these three so-called friends of his were actually a picture of other believers. They are not enemies. They are not unbelievers. It’s a picture of believers who can trouble us, misunderstand us, criticize us, and it is always more painful when a believer attacks us and accuses us than an unbeliever.

And if I were to give you my testimony in the last 40 years, I’ve faced a thousand times more accusation and criticism from believers than from unbelievers.