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(Through The Bible) – 2 Samuel: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Zac Poonen’s teaching on the Book of 2 Samuel which is part of the popular series called Through The Bible.

Listen to the audio version here:


Zac Poonen – Bible Teacher

We turn today to 2 Samuel — 2 Samuel chapter 1.

We saw in our last study how God picked up David when he was a young man. And in 2 Samuel we read about the reign of David. The whole book deals with that from the time of the death of Saul. And David is made king, and then how he wins a number of victories, his fall into sin, and then the problems he has in his family, right on till the end of his life and ministry as king.

So we’ll try and look at the important points in this chapter and the spiritual lessons that we can learn. You remember in the first session I said that all Scripture has been given by inspiration of God, for correction, for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work, for our life and for our ministry.

If we keep that verse before us as we study all these books, we will receive something that will equip us. You see, there are many ways in which we can look at the Old Testament.

We can look at all the types of Christ in the Old Testament, and a clever brain can discover many, many things there. But we don’t find the New Testament emphasizing so much of typology – a little bit. We saw a little bit in when we studied the tabernacle of what Christ stood for, but there are many other types that we could study. We could study Joseph as a picture of Christ, and there are many, many ways in which he is a type of Christ.