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(Through The Bible) – 2 Corinthians (Pt 2): Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Bible teacher Zac Poonen’s teaching on Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians (Part 2) which is part of the popular series called Through The Bible.

Listen to the audio version here:


Let’s turn this evening to 2 Corinthians and continue where we left off in the morning. We look at chapter 5. We saw that 2 Corinthians describes the inner life of the man of God whom God can use to do His work on earth. The number of things we see here which we can consider, and I believe if you are serious about serving God as He wants us to, the Lord has given us the Apostle Paul as an example. An example that we can follow because he said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”

Jesus is our example, but sometimes we wonder how to deal with the practical situations which we face. For example, we don’t see Jesus establishing churches and appointing elders and things like that. And there we have an example in the Apostle Paul, a man who went through a lot of persecution in his life, and he reveals to us the inner secret of his life in 2 Corinthians more than any other letter.

Paul’s Ambition

In [Chapter 5] verse 9, he speaks about his ambition. See, all young people have ambitions. The world is full of young people who have ambitions. The problem is they’ve got the wrong ambitions. A lot of people, their ambition today is to make money or become great or famous or do research and get a name for themselves. So many things.

Paul also had an ambition when he was converted. He says, “Our ambition, we have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, that means whether we are in heaven or absent from heaven.” In the previous context, he says our home is in heaven.