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The New Covenant Explained Simply: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Bible teacher Zac Poonen’s sermon titled “The New Covenant Explained Simply”.

Listen to the audio version here:


The Difference Between the New and Old Covenants

Those who have heard me many times in the last 50 years or lesser time, some of you would know that one of my main themes is the difference between the New Covenant and the Old Covenant. I never get tired of speaking on that because that is very little taught in Christendom. And that’s the reason.

And I remember many years ago when I was a young preacher and I began my ministry, the Lord told me to read the Bible carefully and study it carefully, and I did that almost from the time I was born again and baptized. And then He asked me to listen carefully to what all is being preached by the various preachers in Christendom. I did that also.

And the books that were written, I read a lot of Christian books written by different preachers, and the Lord told me to see what were the things you saw in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament, that were not being spoken in the books written by Christian authors or the sermons being preached by Christian preachers in different churches. So as I understood that more, the Lord said, “Those are the subjects you must preach on. Don’t try to be balanced and to preach on everything because there are many people preaching on certain aspects of it. You’ve got to emphasize what’s left out.” And the illustration that came to my mind was a circle on a piece of paper.

Emphasizing the Neglected Parts of the Bible

You draw a circle and divide it into different sectors and then you tell your children to color it different colors, these different sectors.