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Some Practical Instructions For A Godly Life: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Read the full transcript of Bible teacher Zac Poonen’s message titled “Some Practical Instructions For A Godly Life”. (Nov 15, 2024)

Listen to the audio version here:


Living Without Regrets

ZAC POONEN: When we come to the end of our life, as all of us will one day, we should not have any regret about the way we lived from the time we were gripped with the truth. Maybe you have regret about the days after you were born again till you came to CFC and heard about a higher Christian life than just saying I’m going to heaven. You know, Jesus never asked anybody, “Do you want to go to heaven?” And I don’t ask anybody that also. Jesus always said, “Follow me.”

And he gives eternal life to those who want to follow him. So it’s important for all of you to know that the reason we stand for certain things in CFC is because there has always been a lowering of standards from the time of the apostles. And then God raises up different ministries at different times to raise us back to the level that Jesus gave the apostles. Always going down and then lifting up. Going down, lifting up.

This has happened for 2,000 years. So I believe God has lifted up CFC from the beginning. Not the people, because so many different people come. But what is preached from the pulpit and the leaders who preach are seeking to live a certain quality of life. That’s why if you read Revelation chapter 2 and 3, you will find that the Lord is not speaking to the church primarily.

He speaks to what he calls the messengers of the church. Word angel means messenger. And that is the main elder who preaches God’s word in that church.