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Paul Washer: Do You TRULY Know The Lord? (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Paul Washer’s sermon titled “Do you TRULY know the Lord?”

Listen to the audio version here:


I want to begin in 2 Corinthians, chapter 5, and I want us to turn there. We’re just going to take some glimpses at some things that I think you need to hear.

2 Corinthians, chapter 5. This passage is extremely important. Paul is talking about ministries, talking about why he is the man he is, the motivations behind his life, some of those being a reverent fear of God, the others being the love of God in Christ. But I want to use this passage and a few others in order to direct it to you, to your heart.

I want you to discern whether or not you truly know the Lord. I want you to discern whether or not He truly knows you. You see, Paul says here, well, let’s just look in this passage, look in verse 16. He says, “Therefore, from now on, we recognize no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature and the old things passed away. Behold, new things have come.”

And then he says in verse 18, “Now all these things are from God.” If I were to come here today and just look at you according to the flesh, look at you according to reason and logic, I may assume some things about you that are not true. Why? Because of what I said when I first walked into this pulpit, I have a deep admiration for this school. I do not think you could be in another university where you would be more exposed to the true gospel of Jesus Christ than here.

Now, having that in the back of my mind, you would think that I would come here and give a message all to Christians, a message to each one of you, because obviously you must all be Christian because you’ve all come to this school, this school, which I so much admire, where the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached on a daily basis.

So if I was judging things according to the flesh, I would come here today and teach on the Christian life or teach on the Christian ministry.