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Home » God’s Word Is A Torchlight That Shows You the Next Step: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

God’s Word Is A Torchlight That Shows You the Next Step: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Zac Poonen’s talk titled “God’s Word is a Torchlight That Shows You the Next Step” which was delivered on December 7, 2022.

Listen to the audio version here:


Well, let’s just pray before we begin. Heavenly Father, You have given us Your word — Your lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Please guide us so that everyone here will receive something from You. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Importance of God’s Word

There are two things, as we just discussed, the verse I just quoted in prayer from Psalm 119. I just want to show you that before we go into the message. Psalm 119 and verse 105: This is a well-known verse to most people. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Or in today’s terms, we would say Your word is like a torchlight in the darkness.

Now, the thing about a torchlight is it will show you dangers in the way, but you can see further ahead only as you move forward. It’s not like a streetlight that lights up the whole road in front of you. God’s word is not like a streetlight that lights up the whole of your life in front of you. It’s a torchlight, which means you can see further only as you yourself move forward, obeying the light you have.

So, that’s what this means: “Your word is like a torch to my life and a light to my path.” So this is the reason why many people don’t really understand God’s word, because they haven’t obeyed the light they already have. If God’s given me light on something and I don’t obey it, well, He’s not going to lead us further forward.

Personal Testimony

I remember, just to give you a little personal testimony, when I was converted 63 years ago in 1959, July, I had come from a church background which did not believe in water baptism.