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Examine Yourself: Paul Washer (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Paul Washer’s sermon titled “Examine Yourself” which was preached on May 22nd, 2006.

Listen to the audio version here:


I’m going to preach a message tonight that has angered many, many, many churchmen. It has angered many of the older people. It has angered many of the youth. Many of the youth that I’ve preached this to have become fiercely angry.

But the people that have become most angry at hearing this message have been the parents of youth. I have found that there is something quite amazing among parents. That if they can get some sort of claim out of their children, that they profess faith in Jesus Christ, that they seem to hold on to that, and it gives them assurance and joy. And it seems that they’re bothered anytime someone would come and question that claim.

It seems we would rather hold on to a false hope than to hear the truth. There are many people who do not want to hear the truth, because it will shake up the false hope they have that they’re going to heaven, when indeed they are not. There are so many people in Christianity, American Christianity, that believe themselves right with God, that believe themselves saved, because they were told that by a preacher, who should have spent more time studying the Bible and less time preaching. I hear people all over the world, and especially in this country, tell me that they’re saved.

And I ask them, how do they know that they’re saved? Well, because they believe. And no one asks them the second question, how do you know that you believe? If we were to dismiss this congregation tonight, and send everyone out to every part of this city, we would find out that the great majority of the people in this city believe that they believe.

The Doctrine of Security and Assurance

And we know that’s not true.