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Don’t Get Drunk With Worldliness: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Bible teacher Zac Poonen’s sermon titled “Don’t Get Drunk With Worldliness.”

Listen to the audio version here:


The Importance of Being Ready for Christ’s Coming

We have been taking a study last month on the things related to the last days and the coming of Christ. And I want to emphasize that more important than knowing the details of what’s going to happen, when it’s going to happen, the important thing is to be ready. Because Jesus always emphasized readiness, even if you don’t know the details of what’s going to happen and when it’s going to happen, if you’re ready, it’ll be okay.

But I’ve found through many years of being a Christian that many people who concentrate on studying the details of many, many things that are going to happen in the last days, they’re not ready and they’ll have a lot of information in their head, but they won’t be ready when Christ comes back.

And in every place where Jesus spoke about His second coming, He did not emphasize details. In fact, a lot of things are vague — vague that different people through the years have put different interpretations to. You know, there’s so much argument among Christians whether the church will go through the tribulation or not. The important thing is to be ready.

Being Prepared for Persecution

Supposing the church does go through the tribulation, are you ready? Supposing the Lord comes before the tribulation, are you ready? The important thing is to be ready. If you have your doctrine right and you’re not ready, it’s going to be pretty pathetic in the last days for you.

So though I have certain convictions myself, I personally believe the church will go through the tribulation.