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(Through The Bible) Genesis – Part 1: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Zac Poonen’s teaching on the Book of Genesis (Part 1) which is part of the popular series called Through The Bible.

Quotable Quote(s) from This Study:

“It’s your heart condition that determines whether you understand Scripture, not your head intelligence. It’s hidden from the clever and the intelligent.”

Listen to the MP3 Audio here:


Zac Poonen – Bible Teacher

We are going to begin by looking at a verse in 2 Timothy chapter 3, because we want to understand why God has given us His Word.

You know, it is possible to study the Bible for the wrong reasons, and I think a lot of Christians do. Now we need to study the Scriptures and approach the Scriptures for the same reason with which God gave it. And that’s described in 2 Timothy 3 verse 16 and 17, it says:

2 Timothy 3:16-17:

“All Scripture is inspired by God…” God is the one who breathed His breath into this book, just like He breathed into Adam. If God had not breathed into Adam, he would have been just a pile of dust. And any book into which God has not breathed is just a pile of dust. God breathed into this.

“And it’s been given to us for teaching…” to show us the right path;

“for reproof…” God’s given us His Word to rebuke us strongly; reproof is a strong word;

“to correct us…” when we’ve gone astray, to lead us back to the right path;

“to train us in righteousness…” that means our character should change; to straighten us because we are all crooked; and ultimately, so that we can become men and women of God.

“that the man of God may be adequate [or complete]….” you know like a glass of water when it’s filled is complete, that our character is rounded off, balanced, complete…

“and that we are equipped [anointed for ministry to serve Him] for every good work” that God has prepared for us.

So that’s the purpose of Scripture.


And if you study the Bible you must study it for these reasons that your character might be full rounded and become the way God wants it to be, that you can be anointed and equipped to serve other people the way God wants you to serve.