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Don’t Die in Your Wilderness: David Wilkerson (Transcript)

Read here the full transcript of David Wilkerson’s sermon titled “Don’t Die in Your Wilderness.”

Listen to the audio version here:


The Wilderness Experience

Don’t die in your wilderness. I asked, you know, we have many, many thousands on a mailing list to help me in this book that I’m writing on the suffering of saints and how God has been faithful to people in their time of calamities. I asked people to write and tell me their stories and their testimonies, how God kept them, gave them grace in the time of suffering, and we got hundreds of letters. In fact, Gwen and I have been reading for weeks down in Florida.

I literally stack this high right now that I brought home with me and it’s been some experience to read this. Let me read something that has to do with my message this morning.

A Testimony of Faith

A lady writes, “12 years ago, my husband and I retired from our secular jobs and God thrust us into the nations as missionary evangelists. We’ve traveled to more than 30 nations over the past 12 years in missions, trips ranging from four weeks to four or five months.

We have witnessed signs, wonders, miracles to these willing vessels as we have yielded to God. We have lived and ministered in very terrible circumstances, but God always kept me in divine health and graced me with supernatural strength. But this past March, I was attacked physically by an unknown disease that was especially virulent, causing pain and swelling in the hands that had touched the multitude of people and in the feet of those who had walked in remote regions of the world. The cause of the painful swelling in my joints could not be identified and left a number of specialists just scratching their heads.

But God seemed silent and the heavens were as brass during this time.