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(Through The Bible) – Jeremiah and Lamentations: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Zac Poonen’s teaching on ‘Jeremiah and Lamentations’ which is part of the popular series called Through The Bible.

Listen to the audio version here:


Zac Poonen – Bible Teacher

Let’s turn today to Jeremiah, the book of Jeremiah, and chapter 1. Jeremiah was a man who preached to Judah, to the southern kingdom, for more than forty years and he never succeeded in turning Israel back from their sins. He was trying to save Judah from their sins — He was trying to save Judah from facing the judgment of God. He was the last voice that God sent to Judah to save them from being sent captive. And he never succeeded in getting them to listen. They never listened.

But he was not a hard man. Even though he spoke very strongly, he would weep in secret for their sins. He felt very deeply about the backsliding of God’s people. He was a very simple man. He started prophesying when he was very young. He was very sensitive in his spirit, and at the same time very strong. Those are good qualities for anyone who preaches God’s word, to be simple at heart, sensitive to God and to the feelings of others, and yet very strong when it comes to proclaiming the truth. And in that sense, he was like Jesus.

Jesus was also a very simple man, very sensitive. He wept over Jerusalem just like Jeremiah wept over Jerusalem. Once when Jesus asked His disciples, who do people say that I am? They replied, well, some say you’re Jeremiah. Come back again. Why did they say that? Because there’s so much similarity between Jesus and Jeremiah, and that’s a great compliment to Jeremiah, that people mistook Jesus for Jeremiah. And Jesus wept and suffered because God wept and suffered.

And Jeremiah wept and suffered here for the same reason.