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(Through The Bible) – Leviticus: Zac Poonen (Transcript)

Here is the full transcript of Zac Poonen’s teaching on the Book of Leviticus which is part of the popular series called Through The Bible.

Quotable Quote(s) from This Study:

“Holiness for the body is what we call health, and health for the spirit and soul is what we call holiness.”

Listen to the audio version here:


Zac Poonen – Bible Teacher

Okay, we have reached the Book of Leviticus, and I’d like you to turn there in Leviticus in chapter 1 and I might as well tell you that this is really one of the most difficult books to study and get something for the heart from. But I believe that it is the inspired Word of God.

And what I was praying was ‘Lord, helped me to understand Your heart. I want to understand what is in Your heart when You wrote this book.’

See, we can get so taken up with all the little details of things in the book and miss God’s heart. I don’t want to miss that. God’s Word has been given to us to give us, I believe, a glimpse into the heart of God. And if that is your desire to understand the heart of God, I remember when I was considering this whole period of Bible study: THROUGH THE BIBLE and I was trying to look into the heart of God to see what was God’s intention in giving us his book.

And this is the verse that came to my mind, this very well-known verse: “God so loved the world that He gave His Son, that whoever believes in Him should never perish…” (John 3:16) and I saw that was God’s heart, that no one should perish; no one should be lost; no one should be ruined by sin. And He was willing to give a Son for that.

And I want to keep that in mind, as I look at this book, and every book of Scripture, you see the heart of tremendous love, and even if there are things here which I can’t fully understand, I want to say, ‘Lord, I want to understand Your heart even if I don’t understand all the different verses here.’


So Leviticus is a book that speaks about the HOLINESS OF GOD.